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Técnica Advisory

Focused on constructing long-term relationships, by developing solutions that maximized value to its clients, Técnica Advisory is characterized by its dynamism, independence and flexibility. Its staff has a long experience in the financial market, extensive knowledge and solid reputation, as well as a young, creative and responsible staff.

Técnica’s in almost thirty years of existence has proven its capacity to understand the client needs and identify strategic alternatives. Its constant search for innovative solutions has led Técnica to participate in several major projects. These operations dealt with resource funding to merger and acquisitions, and great corporate reorganizations for several sectors and companies of different sizes.

The service portfolio is composed by three strategic areas – Corporate Finance, Capital Markets and Strategic Advisory – who attend to different demands. Furthermore, Técnica provides an extensive contact network and strategic relations through its partners, which allows to attend additional requests and to actively participate in coordinating, performing and negotiating services.

Corporate Finance

Resource Funds

Based on the current company structure and its operations, we analyze several funding alternatives available in the market and search for options that generate the most adequate cost-benefit to our client. To accomplish our task, we give our advice to identify the players, structure funding models jointly with development institutions, by working to implement the projects and negotiate maturity, grace period and rates.

Receivable Securitization

We work in obtaining via receivable securitization (real estate, industrial, commercial and services), through CRIs (Real Estate Receivable Certificates) and FIDCs (Creditor Claim Investment Fund). Thus, we advised in all stages – from structuring to placement towards financial institutions – organizing the road show agenda, supporting and accompanying the issuers in presentations and events, as well as advising “securitizers”, law offices, auditors, rating companies and other institutions.

Business Plan

We advised companies in preparing business plans more efficiently and plain, incorporating the most utilized and recommended tools by potential investors of risk capital to appraise new companies. Linked to this appraisal, we analyze financial, commercial and operational aspects of the project, such as target public, products, prices, costs and expenses, revenues, to identify the business feasibility and facilitate capturing funds for the project.

Economic Appraisal

We help stockholders and managers to determine the value of their operations and evaluate opportunities related to typical market transactions such as acquisitions, merger or sale of companies, aiming to help them in maximizing the end result of their negotiations or comply with the regulatory legislation. Thus, we conduct an economic-financial analysis, identify growth drivers, and utilize several methods to ascertain the company’s assets to establish its fair value.

Capital Market

Corporate Governance

We help our clients to identify their current situation in relation to the best governance practices, aiming to create a corporate environment with greater transparency, and which facilitates obtaining funds from investors, banks and government agencies. Thus, we attempt to discern critical issues, from the internal point of view of the organizations, and implant a set of activities, methods and procedures consonant with the best recommend market practices.

Investor Relations

We develop strategic programs of investor relations, aiming to foster an efficient communication between companies and the financial community, as well as to propitiate a better transparency level and generate greater value to the stockholders. Thus, we work as an outsourcing medium or complement the investor relations area of our clients, guiding them in all ways to interact with the capital markets.

Initial public Offering (IPO)

We guide companies in critical stages to go public, through a strategic model to direct them develop an investment thesis which maximizes and perpetuate the company value through its initial public offer. To achieve this goal, we help our clients to implement strategic planning, adopt corporate governance practices, attend the requirements of the regulatory agencies and evaluate the operation with the financial institution coordinators

Public Acquisition Offer (OPA)

We work in the process of public acquisition of stocks, including the preparation of the appraisal report for cancelling the registration, the participation increase and acquisition control. Thus, we advised on the offer negotiation, in the legal aspects and on selecting the financial institution as well as the other parts involved. To prepare the economic appraisal of the operation, we utilize the discounted cash flow and other methodologies widely employed by the market.

Análise de Operações Estruradas

Efetuamos análises de crédito de operações estruturadas, para gestores de recursos, que queiram subsidiar suas decisões de Investimento, quanto a avaliação de amissões estruturadas usando metodologias de análise de crédito.

Strategic Advisory

Corporate Reorganization

We plan and perform corporate reorganization processes of business, aiming to create conditions to perpetuate the company, its businesses and/or sustain the entrance of investors. Thus, we give advice on the long-term definition of controllers, successors and remaining stockholders. A legal-strategic plan is also developed, by diagnosing corporate conflict points and identifying solutions for reorganizing the corporate structure.

Strategic Planning

We advise business groups to develop and implement strategic planning aiming to establish the parameters that will direct the business decisions made by management. The work consists of a detailed diagnosis of the company, the preparation of economic and sectorial projections, the internal and external environment is analyzed to identify strong and weak points, opportunities and menaces. All this work will subsidize our advice during the preparation, development and implementation of action plans.

Merger and Acquisitions

We advise the entire merger and acquisition process, from its start to conclusion, aiming to generate the best transaction for the client, in buying, selling, joint ventures and strategic alliances. Thus, we advise companies on their law firms and auditing companies’ selection. We approach investors, buyers or potential sellers, to define the negotiation strategy based on the companies’ objective, and also conduct the negotiation as well as structure the final structuring of the operation.

Private Equity

Based on our relationship with institutional investors, we advise small and medium businesses to obtain capital from private equity investors. Thus, we prospect potential financial or strategic investors (national and international), we prepare, coordinate and negotiate all the association process, and evaluate the client’s economic-financial situation, utilizing the usual methods employed by the financial market.